Our customers choose from various options when deciding on what training to apply as part of their STAR Program implementation.
STAR ProgramTM Self-Directed Training consists of in-service training modules, the first 10 are necessary to complete STAR Program certification. Additional modules provide in-depth training as needed.
STAR ProgramTM Expert-Directed Web-Based Training modules are 1-hour training sessions lead by our experts. The web training will follow and supplement the Self-Directed Training with ample time to ask the expert questions.
STAR ProgramTM Self-Directed Continuing Education includes modules that can be conducted as an in-service with the rehabilitation staff and are released throughout the year to keep you up to date on the latest oncology rehabilitation research studies and clinical care.
STAR ProgramTM Expert-Directed On-Site Training consists of on-site training for administrative and clinical staff through a series of modules led by our oncology rehabilitation experts. Our on-site training is tailored to meet the needs of your facility and staff.